January Reviews & Reading Wrap-Up

I read more this month than I expected so I’ll probably take it a little slower the next couple of months.

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My Reading Challenges for 2017

So last year, I decided to try to do a bunch of reading challenges (probably too many) to help me get back in the habit of reading again. While I managed to keep up my habit (mostly), I also learned my limitations and weaknesses. For example, reading 5-10 books a month is probably not gonna happen. Same with doing 5+ reading challenges, it’s unlikely. So now that I’ve discovered my boundaries I think I can manage to try to do this again, hopefully Continue reading

February Reviews & Reading Wrap-Up

What a month! It’s been so busy with roller derby and work that I’m lucky I got to read much of anything. The biggest bummer of the month was when I borrowed a couple of Deadpool comics from my local library only to find out they were impossible to read and follow due to a majority of the pages being ripped out. On the up side, I recently discovered Riveted (formerly PulseIt) and couldn’t keep from reading books that caught my eye before the time ran out. As such, I did manage to finish 4 books so below you’ll find mini-reviews and their corresponding challenges.

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January Reviews & Reading Wrap-Up

So I managed to finish 9 books this month, which is probably the most I’ve read in a month in… like… ever. So below you’ll find mini reviews for all the books I finished as well as which challenges they count toward.

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My Reading Challenges for 2016

One of the things I realized I’ve missed doing over the past couple of years is reading. I used to go through book after book after book and working at Barnes & Noble just made it easier. Since then however, I’ve found it hard to make as much time for reading as before. I’ve been trying to turn that around lately and have succeeded in getting back into the swing of things. I’ve gotten through a handful of books, both physical and audio, on my to read list. One of my goals for the new year is Continue reading